Jul 05, 2022 |

Are you a medicine woman ready to incorporate SOUND and FREQUENCY in your practice?


You’d like to let go and be the magic of who you truly are.

When it comes to energy healing, I like to keep it simple. Real. Natural.

I have learned several healing modalities, and then incorporated what comes through me WITHOUT THINKING into the discipline of what I’d learned with these modalities.

My clients expand rapidly with my support because they have been OVERTHINKING it.

They care deeply and want to follow the rules and be in “integrity”.

It’s a trap!

They deny their own intuition and natural method in order to give in to the established method, overcomplicating and distancing themselves from the truth of their own medicine.


Read that last sentence again.

Most of you that come to me believe there is this deep secret schooling you need to be official.

It’s YOU with your medicine in practice that you “need”!!

I have the results to share with you. My clients embody their truth through the work we do together. I love the results we achieve!! It changes the world!!


Are you ready to stream divine radiance through you without over thinking it?


Are you ready to instantly heal through a method of healing only YOU have inside of you and simply need to trust and embody?


Your people and the collective benefit from your delight, devotion and DECISION.


I am here to guide, support, activate and bring you into resonance with your own SHAMAMA self.


If you’ve been a perfectionist, you’ve been a control freak, if you’ve been unwilling to let go and allow the magic of your immense power and illumination because you’re not quite sure how to unleash and integrate this magic into your already successful business, if you know there’s a deeper level of access you’d love to incorporate into your life and business…


You’re decided and ready to invest in focus and devotion to integrating your divine self:


Let’s alchemize any fear, shame or doubt into trust, conviction and commitment to your medicine coming through you to the collective RIGHT NOW in these times.

Join me for Valtopia




In this 6 month experience, we meet once monthly, and you have Voxer access to me during the assigned hours daily.

Having direct support and light language to keep you in momentum is PRICELESS and is what supports your Quantum shifts into deeper levels of you and your medicine coming through.


No more getting stuck and wondering why it “isn’t working” for YOU


No more working and working to no results and looping into another cycle of disappointment.


No more half faked presence because you know YOU are missing from the whole.


Let’s integrate and embody your SOUND MEDICINE WOMAN and activate your light language, decide your intentions and effectuate your MEDICINE.


LET US SHINE in divine leadership and passion.


Let us allow you to receive the frequencies, support and OVERFLOW that comes with your decision, commitment and creation from this space of being.


Let us allow the visibility, impact and income that you’ve been guided to but felt overwhelmed at your divine power and didn’t quite know how to BE it in what you already created.

If you are a soulpreneur ready to live more fully your divine radiance and allow the magic of YOU, please DM immediately and let’s chat about how to get you going in focus and support.

$2500 monthly (6 months)- monthly session, daily Voxer access:

(spot sessions given as guided by ME - you are in support to release attachments, activate higher levels of your own gifts, recalibrating to new programming and refreshing your energy in a way that you’ve not experienced before. )

Are you ready to stream though naturally and with ease your divine medicine??

Book in!
 Be sure to mention *SHINE* to receive this special invitation to work with me 1:1 at the above listed rate!!

Love your frequency you are the miracle!