Do you ever feel like ...

Jul 31, 2022 |

You made a BIG decision, and now your mind and body are freezing up on you. What to do?

Do you ever feel like …

you can’t handle it,

but you’ve chosen it

and now what will you do?? 🥴🤷‍♀️

You’re a leader,

you take on new things,

you decide and leap and then holy moly…

your nervous system decides to move into excited mode,

and suddenly you’re facing Mt Everest and what you want is on the other side of that

….but you never wanted to climb that mountain!!

So you freak as you don’t take action. 

Maybe the actions you take aren't so supportive, but they help to distract you from this EDGE of tolerance you're feeling.

You try to use the tools you’ve learned and even teach others. 

The old familiar doubt plays tango with your fierce, badass self.

You find yourself in this familiar place between here, and there. 

You are split in your ENERGY.

Part of you is repeating affirmations and journaling the thang, declaring success,

and the other part is blurting out the truth of your now moment, 

the lack of success, 

the bigger vision you haven't yet achieved, 

the overwhelm of what you know you must BE to accomplish this step you've leapt into...

even as you speak the words out loud,

you realize you’re creating a mixed signal of ….never gonna get it...

So then you really start to lean into the what ifs, even as you know you manifest your thoughts and speak your words carefully. 

This loops you into a stuck, confusion, FOG.

Is this you? Secretly behind the scenes? 😁

The mind will protect you and you know this truth.

So how do we support you to your truth of leaning all the way into your confidence and highest self?

The one who...

DOES handle all the thangs in focus, devotion and gets shit done?

And not by being more busy or hurting yourself with over do, that leads to nowhere??

If the feeling is

…overwhelm and impossible, 

it’s definitely time to stop, drop and play.

  1. Step back and KNOW you are gonna get it.

That step right there is everything!

Your intention is GOLDEN and creates the final result - so be all about it!!

And if you’re still evolving into this level of embodying and BEING fully your choices, 


there may be subconscious allegiances, attachments, psychic and empathic entities and energies 

…co mingling 

with your own soul aura in conflict to your most integrated and impactful presence.

As in - you're not fully in your WHOLE SELF BODY.

So ….

2. It’s time to be with your body and get out of your head.

    3. It’s time to bring yourself into a new space.

    So go allow yourself a nap if you’re exhausted,

    a run if you need it,

    a stretch,

    some deep breaths,

    a visit with a friend that is positive,

    a walk.

    Color in my coloring book, enjoy your FYEAH deck or go listen to one of my DROPs. 🌞 

    🙏These tools are divinely designed to  help you come into focus.

    They accelerate your holistic self, your star seed, multidimensional return 
    to your

     play, integration and alignment.

    🔥To activate your FkYEAH state of being.

    Whatever allows you some space between the new thing and what your brain is tripping over


    sending you into overwhelm,


    the truth of your capacity to learn and grow into it with ease.

    When you come back…

    to the task at hand,

    having been in acceptance and flow of yourself,

    you are more calm, integrated and able to now accept the new level of task!

    If this is you, and you would like to discover
    how my clients
    are releasing overwhelm,
    setting DIVINE intentions
    and activating their own full body FCKYEAHS
    in business and in life through my powerful methods of body awareness and energy mastery, come in closer to 1:1, group and self guided methods of Soulgasmic GLOWUPs, Valtopia style.

    Your overwhelm is an invitation to OVERFLOW.

    Sign up to discover how to implement these GLOWUP frequencies and methods in your life and shift into your FCKYEAH vision and life like my clients have!

    P.S. - You could just skip signing up and stay in limbo, feeling burnt and bothered by your 3D tasks and obligations, staying in that loop de loop, trying that old technique that hasn't worked for you yet,
    you could hit reply to sign up and watch a presentation I've put together and be booking a call with me to see how we can GLOWUP your life and business to full FCKYEAHs TODAY. 

    How long are you gonna spin in the same patterns my clients were able to shift through this method?

    Click and email me 

    for the replay and let's get into it!

    Love your frequency - you're the miracle!!

    Categories: : goals, healing, leadership, overwhelm, support